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The Soldier For Life Podcast

Sep 26, 2022

In part 3 of our empowered transition series, we are going to discuss Hunting vs. Fishing and becoming active in your approach to finding the best fitting job for you and your financial goals. We’ll discuss the importance of finding a mentor in your interested field, we’ll also touch on how to find a spotter in the...

Sep 13, 2022

In part 2 of our empowered transition series we are going to discuss how you discover your desires, how to even get started on figuring out who you are and what you love to do. Marine Veteren, Mr. Josh Atkinson is going to share with us his journey of self-discovery as he transitioned from the Marine Corps and...

Sep 6, 2022

How do you start the transition journey early? How do you get emotionally ready to transition and what does that look and feel like? Transitioning is a journey with no final destination. In this Empowered Transition Series Josh is taking us on a journey from his abrupt departure from the military to coming full circle...