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The Soldier For Life Podcast

Aug 29, 2021

Transitioning from the military is never easy. We at Soldier for Life talk about starting your process as early as 24 months prior to your separation date. Listen to LTC Olivia Nunn speak to Herb Thompson, Army Veteran and Author on his transition and how owning your transition is critical to being successful in...

Aug 22, 2021

David founded Promotion Board Media to build a tribe of Veteran Content Creators. Listen to LTC Olivia Nunn speak to David Johnson on how and why you should create a video podcast show. Content creation can be a lot of fun, but understanding how complex and time-consuming before hand is a must. A must listen before...

Aug 15, 2021

Sometimes local resources can make all the difference in the world. Listen to LTC Olivia Nunn speak with Army Veteran Topaz Navarro, Executive Director of Work Play Obsession All In Foundation, a mental health nonprofit organization that leverages recreational activities to address and heal trauma wounds. The nonprofit...

Aug 8, 2021

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is the country's leading organization protecting the rights of military service members and their families. MOAA's mission is to improve the lives of those who serve and their families by advocating for the military community. Listen to LTC Olivia Nunn speak with...

Aug 1, 2021

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, four powerful words that have been taboo for so long in the military. Yet, these four words have impacted the military community in so many ways, including mental health, suicide, divorce rates, and even the health and well-being of military spouses and their children. Listen to...